Southwest Florida Postal Customer Council names new board member

Mark Drayton, owner of The Shipping Post with locations in Port Charlotte and Punta Gorda, has recently been named Treasurer to the Board of Directors for the Southwest Florida Postal Customer Council. 

“I’m honored,” says Mark, “and looking forward to helping this worthwhile organization continue to grow.”

According to Robert Rhoad, USPS Customer Relations Coordinator for Southwest Florida, membership for the Souhwest Florida PCC is on the upswing.  “Even though COVID created challenges for us, we were still able to achieve Bronze status for our group this past year and have every intention of achieving Gold status by the end of 2024.”

James Chambers, Co-Chair for the PCC and Postmaster for all of Fort Myers and Cape Coral, agrees. “One of my top missions in my role here in South Florida is to grow the PCC and make it a worthwhile entity for all of our members. The naming of a Board of Directors is the first step in making that happen.  We are glad to welcome Mark to the team.”

The Postal Customer Council (PCC) is a group made up of industry and Postal leaders with the mission of learning and helping each other grow.  The Southwest Florida PCC is made up of members from Naples, Estero, Fort Myers, Cape Coral, Bonita Springs, Punta Gorda and Port Charlotte.  This group is led by Postmaster James Chambers, and industry Co-Chair Steve Bellow, owner of Entech Printing.  To learn more about the SFPCC go to

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